Since Wally became a toddler, life got easier because he was able to be left with the Wobbly Wabbit with no problems for hours on end and that helped Mom and Dad be able to get things done and socialize with new people in the mean time.
Wally had a great birthday party and has headed off to his first day of school.
Joe is now a General Practitioner but finds there's a lot of study and work to be done to even think of promotion out of the clinic he's at right now. He's earned a holiday day at work so even though it's Monday and his schedule is a nice M-F 10-6, he's chosen to take today off, to have some "me" time for himself.
Mary was elected to her first political post, that of City Council Member. It's a pretty deft job for being able to be home for Wally, since she leaves for work after he leaves for school and is home at the same time as him after school. No need for a nanny even if Mom and Dad work, what a relief!
Oops, despite not having enough Charisma when she went to work, she made a great decision, earned 2 points of Charisma and got promoted to State Assemblyperson, which means she doesn't get home until an HOUR after Wally does. Hrm...

Together, Mary and Joe have been talking about buying that bigger home they'd talked about when they were first dating. As soon as Wally was born, Joe and Mary began saving money, knowing that as soon as Wally became a teenager he'd be able to help with the new baby once in a while when Mom and Dad were in a crunch... but the house they're in right now won't support two kids for very long.
The problem is, Joe and Mary still can't keep their hands off of one another, and since we know what causes Sim Children...
Here's a picture of Wally as a child, coming home from his first day of school.
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