Mary and Joe Ugly are like most Sims brand new to the neighborhood - poor as all get out. The house Joe bought left him with under $1000, and Mary arrived with nothing but the clothes on her back, promising a monthly rent cheque. The good news is that the house came furnished with the required basics - everything a Sim needs to get by, day-to-day. Joe felt confident about the investment and had no worries about his currently poor financial state.

Although both Joe and Mary took jobs from the first newspaper delivered to their house, and thus household had money coming in to cover the bills, it was quite a relief for both the Uglies that the climate was perfect for the legendary Simoleon Tree to not only grow, but flourish! The bits of extra money the trees generated can help with those little expenses, such as food and bills, when you're starting out.
It turns out that the house that Joe Ugly bought had some valuable paintings on the wall as well as having the basic furnishings! Joe and Mary agreed art and culture would be beautiful to reflect in a home once all the necessities have been covered, but since Joe and Mary only had one bookshelf of books and no other real way to study and build skills, the art would be better sold and the money turned into things like a chess board, painting easel and a bass guitar.
Mary and Joe spent the next few days in their new house together quietly getting used to a new routine of work, skill improvement and socializing. Both Mary and Joe got promotions within the first week of their jobs, and as they grew closer as a couple and not just "roommies", their purchasing thoughts began to turn towards that first child they had talked about in the past. Should they buy the basics for a baby now, or get married and worry about it when it's confirmed the baby is on the way?
After a night of incredible lovemaking and Joe's second promotion in the Medical field the next day, he popped the question to Mary. She was ecstatic! She had been hoping Joe would propose!!
Joe and Mary both eagerly anticipated the wedding, calling the party almost immediately after Joe had proposed. Joe hadn't even changed out of his work uniform yet when the party guests started coming over, but as soon as he and Mary felt it was time to move to the altar, he found a sharp-looking suit, and Mary got into her beautiful wedding dress.
The wedding was fabulous and both Joe and Mary were extremely pleased with how it all turned out. The only hitch came near the end of the party when Mary realized she was pregnant, and therefore didn't feel up to going on the honeymoon. Shockingly, Joe went without her, and had a great time!
Thankfully, Mary knew that giving Joe that time to recharge would ultimately be helpful for her during her pregnancy, when having some help with food and cleaning is extra-appreciated. So, she greeted Joe with a kiss when he returned and they moved on.

Being pregnant has turned out to be easy for Mary so far. She didn't have any sickness at all in the first or second trimesters, which is quite relieving. It's amazing how uncomfortable Sims get when they're on their knees praying to the porcelain goddess, and how if your Sim doesn't experience morning sickness, it's so much easier to keep them happy during that physically-stressing time. I'll have to keep an eye on Mary and see if this was a "normal" pregnancy for her.
At any rate, Mary and Joe spent some of their savings on baby things now that the first one is officially on the way. I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl? I wonder if the baby will be ugly like Mom and Dad?
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